27 March 2023


With the development of molecular biology, the attention has turned also to the individuation of mutated genes that confer a higher risk for the person to meet a tumour instead of other people that do not have mutated/altered genes.

In the area of tumor care, early diagnosis has always been a priority.

With the development of molecular biology, the attention has turned also to the individuation of mutated genes that confer a higher risk for the person to meet a tumour instead of other people that do not have mutated/altered genes.

In 1994 two tumor-soppressor genes have been identified: BRAC1 and BRAC2. Other genes, still testable with a blood test, are involved in the heredity of tumors.

Inherit these altered genes determines a higher risk of breast and uterus tumors.

Recent studies have shown that these altered genes can be involved in pancreatic, prostate and stomach tumors.

The concept of preventing the tumor by removing the non-vital organ before it gets sick has become an efficient clinical reality.

Every Saturday morning, at the Columbus Clinic Center, specialized gynaecologists offer a full/complete primary oncological prevention.

Each patient will be able to become aware of the specific risks by studying the cases present in the family as per the Guidelines of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology, do a genetic test and when the altered genes show, a primary prevention can be done by removing the tubes and the ovaries with a mini invasive surgery.