4 August 2023


It’s a diagnostic exam that helps investigate disorders such as blood in the urine (hematuria), trouble with micturition, frequent utis and bladder stones.

It is a useful tool/device for the evaluation of issues in emptying the bladder related to prostate, pelvic floor or urethral disorders.

The exam is performed using a cystoscope, an optical fiber device, with a small camera at the tip that is inserted in the urethra and slowly pushed to the bladder.

The urethra is dilated through sterile water to have a better view.

At our Clinic we use a sterile, disposable and extremely thin instrument/tool in order to adapt to the urinary tract and make it as smooth as possible .

This allows the exam to be performed with only local anesthesia.

The exam lasts approximately 20 minutes together with the preparation.


Disposable: the tool will only be used once and then thrown away.

It won’t be used multiple times, reducing the risk for infections.

Flexible: the tool is less invasive compared to the metallic hard used in the past. This makes the procedure painless.

The device’s technology reduces the discomfort while keeping an excellent diagnostic quality.

The exam can also be performed in patients that take anticoagulant medications.

(Aspirin, Coumadin and similar)


Fasting is not necessary but the bladder must be empty. A companion is not necessary.

Usual medications prescribed by the general practitioner can be taken.

In some cases will be prescribed an antibiotic prophylaxis with fosfomycin 3gr to be taken in the morning.

A second packet of fosfomycin 3gr must be taken the following morning at the same time. In case of allergies to fosfomycin, if needed, a different prophylaxis will be prescribed.